This is Jango Fett. Yeah, he doesn’t look much like the guy in the Star Wars movies, but he’s smart, tough, and willing to die for what he believes in. Jango was adopted as a puppy from a rescue along with his brother Boba Fett. Like good little bounty hunters, the boys promptly picked their targets and claimed their person. Jango is my constant companion. Boba is my husband’s.
Lucky for us, my job is dog-friendly. Jango comes to work a few times a week (I only work part time) and hangs out with the other dogs in the building. So, just like when we’re at home, he assists by keeping my feet warm while I’m on the computer or phone. He also makes sure that no bad guys can sneak in behind me, that his “baby” is always with him, and that all the dog chewies get stashed in his secret hidey hole.
Now, don’t ask me what kind of dog he is. My best guess is a pit bull-dachshund cross, but I can’t prove that. Considering that his brother and littermate looks NOTHING like him? Not willing to put money on it. Lucky for him, I have always had a weakness for the bully breeds, regardless of what they are, so his little boxy head is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Well, one of them…
Because this little guy is really damned cute, too. Look at that wrinkled nose! I mean, how could I possibly resist that cuteness?
Ok, I tried. When I mentioned the idea to my husband, and he said, “Oh, he’s cute,” instead of, “we don’t need another dog,” I had to have him. Little Darth Revan has now joined our family. The poor guy was an unwanted puppy (Spay and neuter your pets, people!) who needed to find a new home “by the end of the day” according to the woman giving them away. Looking at him, I honestly believe that. So now, he’s a part of mine. His littermate and brother went home with my good friend and fellow author Kitty Cox. I’m trying to convince her that her guy needs a nice Star Wars name, too.
But the best part? Jango LIKES him! I thought there’d be a little jealousy when I brought a new baby home. Sure, there’s a bit of disruption in our routine, but while Boba isn’t sure about the rat, Jango has always had a fondness for his stuffed animals. Revan isn’t that much different, and it’s his mom’s baby, which makes it better! Granted, there’s a little doggy weirdness about Revan trying to suck on Jango’s legs, but he won’t be doing that for too much longer.
Now, when I got Revan his own stuffed animal? Oh! The jealousy appeared! So, Jango got yet another toy to keep him entertained. Dogs! They’re like children, I swear!
For the next two weeks, Revan will be splitting work duties with Jango. Monday and Friday, Revan goes to work while Jango stays home and helps my husband around the house. Jango gets the rest of the time. Together, we all get to play growly games and kiss the nose (those are their favorites).
And me? I’ve lost a few days of writing, but it has been so worth it! My cute little boys make me very happy, and it’s kinda nice to get that puppy smell again! The dark side is strong in my house.

Darth Revan chewing on his brother during their play date.