Have you ever had that feeling that you’re chasing your tail, trying to do it right, but won’t “get there” until you do just one more, or two more, or maybe three more things?
That’s how I feel right now. I have 2 new series being released, but advertising them is frustrating. Why dump a lot of money into them until there’s something for the reader to go to next time? I have a series that will be finished in late summer. Not releasing the other books won’t make it get done any faster. I have a stand alone book that is now going to be a part of a series. I could write in that, but see above. I feel like a creation that is still a work in progress, and I so badly just want to GET THERE.
I’m debating whether or not I should shift around my upcoming releases. Should I send out the books that are basically DONE, one right after the other? That would leave my gamer series to wither for a bit, but that could be ok. I mean, the book doesn’t exactly end on a cliffhanger (I seriously hate those).
The more I think about it, the better this idea sounds, except for ONE little thing. I haven’t sent book 2 to the editor for the “last pass” yet. I don’t have cover art. I’d have to do a whole lot of groveling to get that done in time. I have learned from this, though. From now on, I will not release a series until the entire thing is done. If that means a few months of publishing nothing, then that’s ok, because that’s how most authors do it. I just don’t want my book list to get away from me again.
So, while I prepare for the next cover reveal and the one after that, I will be pondering the long road of my career as an independent author. I will make mistakes. I will have successes. Most of all, if I keep treating this like a business, I think that my fan base will stick with me. At least I hope they will. I have some amazing fans already, and I certainly don’t want to lose them!